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- L O A D S T A R 1 2 8 E D I T O R / A S S E M B L E R
- by Robert Rockefeller
- The Loadstar 128 Editor/Assembler package is a necessary tool for
- writing machine language. You must know how to do it already -- this will
- not teach you -- but it will make it a LOT easier. This article will only
- document the assembler/editor features.
- The editor, named "COM.EDT", and the assembler, named "COM.ASM", are
- designed to be used in conjunction with the shell program published on this
- issue of LOADSTAR. Execute the shell program by typing RUN"128 SHELL" then
- type RETURN.
- ------
- The editor is a full-screen programmer's text editor which creates PET
- ASCII program files. A programmer's text editor differs from a
- wordprocessor in that it typically cannot format and print out text files.
- It's for editing code only.
- After the shell is loaded, you execute the editor by typing EDT then
- RETURN. A file can be specified for editing by following EDT with a
- filename. For example, if EDT "ASM.COPY is executed the editor will be
- loaded, then the text file "ASM.COPY" will automatically be loaded into the
- editor from disk device 8. An alternate device number for the text file can
- be specified by prefixing it to the filename. For example, EDT 9,"ASM.COPY
- would try to load "ASM.COPY" from device 9.
- EDT can work on files completely in RAM by specifying EDT RAM instead of
- a filename. Typically you would use EDT to create a text file to be
- assembled. You would then exit the editor and assemble the file with ASM.
- You could then type EDT RAM to re-edit the text already in RAM without the
- necessity of loading the text in from disk. Of course you must be sure that
- the text has not been corrupted in any way in the meantime. Therefore avoid
- loading in BASIC programs between uses of EDT if you wish to use the RAM
- option. It is also a good idea to save a copy of your source code to disk
- after making changes just in case.
- EDT files are suitable for use by the "COM.SUBMIT" program published
- with the shell program. SUBMIT allows you to execute text in "SUB." files as
- if the text were entered at the keyboard. You can use "SUB." files to
- redefine the function keys, RUN BASIC programs, control the assembler, etc.
- If you're familiar with MS DOS, think of "SUB." files as "batch" files.
- Some keyboard conventions are used when explaining EDT functions. F1 @
- means type the F1 key and release it, then type the @ key and release it. A
- slash (/) is used to show that two keys are to be pressed simultaneously.
- SHIFT/RETURN means press a SHIFT key and the RETURN key at the same time.
- EDT functions are explained below.
- ESC 1 - Set the text color.
- ESC 2 - Set the screen color.
- ESC @ - Clear text from the cursor position to the end of the file.
- ESC a - Turn insert mode on.
- ESC c - Turn insert mode off.
- ESC d - Erase the whole line.
- ESC g - Enable bell ringing for errors.
- ESC h - Disable bell ringing for errors.
- ESC j - Move the cursor to the start of the line.
- ESC k - Move the cursor to the end of the line.
- ESC n - Set the screen to normal (non-reversed) mode.
- ESC p - Erase to the start of the line.
- ESC q - Erase to the end of the line.
- ESC r - Set the screen to reversed mode.
- ESC v - Scroll the screen up.
- ESC w - Scroll the screen down.
- F1 @ - Read the disk error channel, or issue a disk command. Type F1 @
- RETURN to read the error channel of the default disk drive. To read some
- other device enter a device number followed by a comma. For example type F1
- @ 9, RETURN to read the error channel of device 9. To issue a disk command
- just type F1 @ then type the command at the prompt, and type RETURN. To
- send a command to a device other than the default device number, just prefix
- the device number to the command. For example, typing F1 @ 9,i0 RETURN
- would initialize disk device 9.
- F1 d - Set the default disk device number. The default disk device number
- is always displayed as the number at the extreme left of the status line.
- F1 m - Display the number of free bytes available for text storage.
- F1 s - Search for a string. Just enter the string at the prompt and type
- F1 e - Save the editor to disk. First select the screen colors you like
- with ESC 1 and ESC 2, then type F1 e, then enter the disk device number to
- which you wish to save the editor, then type RETURN.
- F1 r - Replace a string. First enter the string to be replaced, then enter
- the string to replace with. Finally, if you wish to be prompted before each
- replacement type y at the PROMPT BEFORE REPLACING? prompt, else type n.
- F1 v - Display a text file on disk. Enter the name of the file you wish to
- view then type RETURN. The file will be printed to the screen. To view
- from a disk other than the default disk you prefix a device number to the
- filename. For example, if you enter a filename of 9,ERR.COPY the file
- "ERR.COPY" would be displayed from device 9.
- F1 b - Exit the editor. Return to the BASIC environment.
- RETURN - Start a new line. Inserts a carriage-return character into the
- text area. Any text to the right of the cursor will be moved to the next
- line when RETURN is typed.
- CONTROL/p - Insert the text buffer at the cursor position. Text can be
- copied into the text buffer by marking a block (see SHIFT/F7) then typing c.
- SHIFT/HOME - Clear all text. You must type y at the prompt before text is
- actually cleared.
- HELP - Display help screens.
- DEL - Delete the character to the left of the cursor.
- CRSR keys - Work as you would expect them to.
- down-arrow - Scroll the screen down one row.
- up-arrow - Scroll the screen up one row.
- HOME up-arrow - Move the cursor to the top, left corner of the screen.
- HOME down-arrow - Move the cursor to the bottom, left corner of the screen.
- HOME left-arrow - Move the cursor to the start of the text area.
- HOME right-arrow - Move the cursor to the end of the text.
- HOME cursor-down - Goto a specified line number. Type the number of the
- line you wish to go to, then type RETURN.
- F3 - Display a disk directory. Enter the device number of the disk you wish
- to view.
- F5 - Save the text to a disk drive. Enter the filename at the prompt. To
- save to a disk other than the default disk you prefix a device number to the
- filename. For example, if you enter a filename of 9,SUB.KEYS the text would
- be saved to disk device 9 with the name "SUB.KEYS".
- F7 - Delete the character under the cursor.
- F2 - Load a file. Enter the name of the file you wish to load. To load
- from a disk other than the default you prefix a device number to the
- filename. For example, if you enter a filename of 9,SUB.KEYS the file
- "SUB.KEYS" would be loaded from device 9.
- F4 - Search ahead for the next occurrence of the last string searched for.
- F8 - Begin marking a text block. Move the cursor to the other end of the
- block. The block is displayed in reverse field as the cursor is moved.
- After the block is marked there are three operations that can be performed
- on the block.
- Type s to save the block to disk.
- Type c to copy the block to the text buffer. The block can be inserted
- into the text area with CONTROL/p.
- Type DEL to delete the block. The block is copied to the text buffer
- before deletion. The block can be recovered with CONTROL/p.
- ---------
- The assembler is executed by typing ASM and the name of a file to
- assemble, then RETURN. For example, if ASM "COPY is executed the assembler
- will be loaded, then the source file "ASM.COPY" will be assembled. All
- assembler source files must have ASM. as the first four characters of their
- filenames. However, leave off the ASM. prefix when specifying filenames
- for the assembler. The assembler automatically adds ASM. to each filename.
- ASM can assemble files completely in RAM by specifying ASM RAM instead
- of a filename. Typically you would use EDT to create a text file to be
- assembled. You would then exit the editor, and type ASM RAM to assemble the
- text already in memory without the necessity of loading the text in from
- disk. If you load in a BASIC program in the meantime, however, the
- assembler may have been corrupted.
- In addition to a source filename a number of commands can be passed to
- the assembler. They are:
- a - Specify primary source device number. This device is checked first for
- source files. The default device number is 8. For example, if ASM "COPY"
- A9 is specified device 9 will be searched first for source files.
- b - Specify secondary source device number. The default device number is 9.
- This device is checked second for source files, only if a source file is
- not found on the primary device. For example, if ASM "COPY" B8 is specified
- device 8 will be searched second for source files.
- e - Specify which device to send the error file to. A device number of 0
- disables error output. The default device is 3, the screen. However an
- error file can be sent to a printer or disk also. Error files output to
- disk will have the letters ERR. prefixed to the filename. For example, if
- ASM "COPY" E9 is specified an error file with filename "ERR.COPY" would be
- sent to device 9.
- p - Specify which device to send the printout file to. A device number of 0
- disables list output. The default device number is 0. A listing file can
- be sent to the screen, a printer, or to a disk. Listing files output to
- disk will have the letters PRN. prefixed to the filename. For example, if
- ASM "COPY" P8 is specified a list file with filename "PRN.COPY" would be
- sent to device 8.
- s - Specify which device to save the symbol table on. After assembly the
- assembler can save the symbol table to disk. A future symbolic debugger
- will be able to load this symbol table to provide symbolic disassemblies.
- Symbol tables saved to disk will have the letters SYM. prefixed to the
- filename. For example, if ASM "COPY" S8 is specified the symbol table will
- be saved with the filename "SYM.COPY" on device 8.
- o - Specify which device to write the assembled program object code to. The
- default device is 8. Assembled programs written to disk will have the
- letters OBJ. prefixed to the filename. For example, if ASM "COPY" O9 is
- specified the object code will be saved with the filename "OBJ.COPY" on
- device 9.
- l - Set maximum line length for the printout file. The default length is 80
- columns. You might want to change this if outputting a listing to a
- printer. Line length can be set from 40 to 131 columns wide.
- There are several switches which can be used to select between several
- assembler modes. They are listed below:
- -s If a listing file is being produced by the assembler normally the source
- code listing is produced followed by the printout of the symbol table. The
- -s switch disables output of the symbol table printout.
- -l If a listing file is being produced by the assembler normally the source
- code listing is produced followed by the printout of the symbol table. The
- -l switch disables output of the source code listing.
- +c Normally the assembler ignores the case of symbols, that is, no
- distinction is made between capital and lower case letters. For example,
- the assembler regards the symbols Label, label, and LABEL as identical. The
- +c switch enables case distinction so that capital and lower case letters
- are regarded as different.
- +f The +f switch if enabled causes a line feed character to be printed
- after a carriage-return during printout. Some printers require this.
- Example: ASM "PAINT" P4 A9 B8 O9 -L +F
- Assemble the file "ASM.PAINT" with primary source device as 9, secondary 8.
- Send a printout only of the symbol table to printer device 4, with line
- feeds enabled. Write the assembled object code to device 9 as "OBJ.PAINT".
- Note the ASM command can be defined in a function key, or executed with a
- SUBMIT file.
- Each assembly source line consists of four fields, the label field, the
- opcode field, the operand field, and the comment field. Each field must be
- separated by one or more TAB characters and/or spaces. On any given line
- any or all of these fields may be missing. Labels must be terminated with a
- colon. Comments must be preceded with a semi-colon. This valid line
- contains all four fields.
- Label1: lda (txtptr),y ;get a byte.
- The assembler accepts literals in three radices, decimal, hexadecimal,
- and binary. Character literals must be preceded by the single quote
- character. Note that character literals can be added, multiplied, etc.,
- like any other number. Examples are:
- Decimal 234
- Hex $ff11
- Binary %10101111
- Character 'a
- Assembler symbols may consist of the capital letters A to Z, lower case
- letters a to z, the digits 0 to 9, or the underscore character (CMDR/@).
- Symbols can be up to 31 characters long, but only the first 15 characters
- are signifigant. Labels must be terminated by a colon character :. Equates
- may be created with the = operator and must not be terminated by a colon.
- Here is an example of an equate.
- Chrout = $ffd2
- Here is an example of a valid label.
- longlabel:
- The assembler has a fairly good expression evaluator with 11 operators,
- and nested parenthesization. An expression is any legal combination of
- symbols, literals, and operators which the assembler will resolve to a
- single number. Operators have different precedence values. Operators with
- higher precedence are evaluated first. Operators of the same precedence are
- evaluated left to right. For example consider the expression 2+3*3. Is the
- answer 15 or 11? Since multiplication has a higher precedence the
- multiplication is performed first and the answer is 11. If it is necessary
- for the addition to be performed first group it in parentheses like this
- (2+3)*3. The operators and their precedence values are listed below.
- Operator Explanation Precedence
- unary - two's complement 7
- < low byte 7
- > high byte 7
- * multiply 6
- / divide 6
- // modulus 6
- + addition 5
- - subtraction 5
- & logical and 4
- ! logical exclusive-or 3
- {$7d} logical or 2
- You must be careful when using parentheses to group sub-expressions
- since the assembler uses enclosing parentheses to indicate indirect
- addressing mode. For example:
- lda (30+2)*(5+6),y
- Although absolute addressing mode is desired here the assembler will try to
- assemble this instruction with indirect indexed mode due to the enclosing
- parentheses. To avoid this problem prefix a plus sign when absolute
- addressing mode is needed, like this:
- lda +(30+2)*(5+6),y
- The plus sign doesn't affect the value of the expression, and prevents the
- assembler from using the incorrect mode.
- The asterisk * is used as special symbol by the assembler and always
- equals the current value of the Program Counter. As such the asterisk can
- be used in expressions like any other number. For example, the following
- two instructions are equivalent. Both jump to themselves.
- Label1: jmp Label1
- jmp *
- The assembler has 15 directives which are explained below.
- .list
- .nolist
- Enable or disable listing output to the printout device. Note that the
- symbol table printout is not affected by these two commands.
- .nosym
- Disable output of the symbol table printout to the printout device.
- .nohdr
- Disable the printing of headers at the top of each page during printout.
- .gen
- .nogen
- Sometimes the .byte, .word, or .dbyte commands generate more than three
- bytes per line. .gen enables the listing of all generated bytes. .nogen
- causes only the first 3 generated bytes to be listed.
- .page
- This directive causes blank lines to be printed until the current printout
- page is finished off, then a new page is started.
- .space
- Specify that a number of blank lines be printed to the printout device. For
- example .space 5 would cause five blank lines to be output.
- .title
- Define the program title which will be printed at the top of each printout
- page if headers are enabled. See .nohdr above. Example: .title Super
- Database
- .end
- The .end directive terminates assembly. Each assembler program must contain
- the .end directive exactly once at the end of the program.
- .include
- This directive is used to load further source files from disk. Practically
- speaking, the assembler will substitute the source file text for the
- .include directive. The assembler always loads source files into memory in
- their entirety, so combined source file size must be such that a source file
- containing an .include, and the included file must both be able to fit in
- memory at once. When specifying the name of the file to be loaded do not
- use the ASM. prefix. The assembler adds this prefix automatically. For
- example, .include buffers would load the file "ASM.BUFFERS".
- .byte
- This directive accepts a number of expressions which must evaluate to 8-bit
- values. Each value is then output to the object device. Strings may be
- included and must be enclosed in double quotes. Use commas as separators.
- Example:
- .byte 13,13,"this is a string",0
- .word
- This directive accepts a number of expressions which must evaluate to 16-bit
- values. Each value is then output to the object device with the low byte
- being output first. Use commas as separators. Example:
- .word $ff22,ArgTable,3
- .dbyte
- This directive accepts a number of expressions which must evaluate to 16-bit
- values. Each value is then output to the object device with the high byte
- being output first. Use commas as separators. Example:
- .dbyte $ff22,ArgTable,3
- .rmb
- *=*+
- These directives are functionally equivalent and are used to allocate memory
- for variables, buffers, etc. The examples below would allocate two bytes.
- .rmb 2
- *=*+2
- *=
- Assign a value to the assembler Program Counter. This is normally done
- prior to defining zero page variables, and prior to generating code. For
- example:
- *= 2
- zpvar1: .rmb 2 ;create zero page variables.
- zpvar2: .rmb 2
- *= $1c03 ;generate code.
- lda #5 ;the program starts here.
- The assembler has comprehensive error checking with two types of errors,
- fatal and non-fatal. Fatal errors immediately suspend assembly. If a
- non-fatal error occurs the assembler will continue assembly but will report
- the error through the error file and the printout file. The error numbers
- and their meanings are listed below.
- Fatal Error Meaning
- 0 RUN/STOP was pressed.
- 1 disk error.
- 3 error was returned by disk error channel.
- 4 couldn't find a file.
- 5 device not present.
- 6 missing filename.
- 7 source file was corrupted.
- 8 out of memory.
- 9 illegal device number.
- 10 line too long.
- 11 symbol table overflow.
- Error Meaning
- 0 multiply defined symbol.
- 1 illegal character in symbol.
- 2 undefined symbol was referenced.
- 3 branch out of range.
- 4 mismatched parenthesis.
- 5 invalid expression.
- 6 expression was too complex.
- 7 division by zero error.
- 8 missing operand.
- 9 syntax error.
- 10 16-bit value where 8-bit value was required.
- 11 incomplete addressing mode specification.
- 14 symbol was too long.
- 15 phase error. Program Counter was out of phase on passes 1 and 2.
- 16 wasted byte. Assembler used absolute mode where zero page
- addressing mode would suffice. Caused by a forward reference to
- a zero page variable.
- 17 invalid addressing mode.
- 19 overflowed 64K RAM bank.
- RR
- **** End of Text ****